Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

I know it's a couple of days late, but "Happy Halloween!" We had a pretty good one. I must say that I had never been trick or treating before. I know, crazy, but we never did Halloween when I was growing up plus we always lived way out in the country so there was no where to go trick or treating. I honestly don't feel like a missed anything!

Friday morning Grace and I took Layla to Petco to be groomed then we drove up to school to see Mom. We ended up eating lunch with her then we had to get Layla. We brought Layla home then met Gene at Kohl's to look at new pans. No purchase made! Gene then went home and Grace and I headed next door to Target. I LOVE Target, and it's never a good thing when I go in there. I didn't do too bad this time though, I just got a baby gift for my friend Nikki's shower that was yesterday.
Anyways, after Target, we headed home to get dressed! This was my little fairy princess!! Isn't she cute?!?

She never would be still enough for me to get a good full frontal of her in her costume. In this one though you can see her sparkly shoes, and her wand.

We didn't really go many places because she's still not quite old enough to understand the point!We visited my former youth pastor's house because he is doing photography now and they were doing free pictures of trick or treaters! Grace wasn't very cooperative though! Michael and Julie are supposed to be e-mailing them to me and when I get them I'll put them on here! Michael does amazing photos and you can some here.

After that we drove out to Mom and Dad's so they could see her in her costume!

After Mom and Dad's we headed up to the police department to see everyone in dispatch! They, of course, thought she looked adorable! I would have to agree! We were headed to Guido's to see Tanner when we passed the tattoo shop that Steve works at and Jennie and Rhonda were standing outside with Bill and Steve so we stopped by to see them! Grace loves Jennie! After that we drove on down to Guido's to see Tanner and we ate some pizza for dinner. Steph met us down there to see Grace, and Grace was excited to see her Aunt Stephie! After Guido's we went to Angela's house to get some candy. I work with Angela and she just loves to see Grace, and she and her daughter had really decorated the outside of her house in Halloween stuff so I told her we would definitely be by to check it out! It looked great!
After we hit all of our places, we headed home. We ended up dropping Corey off at a friend's house for a scary hay ride, then we came home and Grace got a bath and was down to bed. It was a long day!
I'm wrapping it up for now because Grace is getting sleepy, so I'll post some more about my weekend later!