Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Gene & Steph!!

This post is actually a day late but I didn't have time yesterday to get on! Two very special people in my life share a husband and my best friend! Oh yes, double whammy for me! Haha, only kidding!
When Gene and I first got together and we were sharing about ourselves and I found out that his birthday was March 31st, the very same day as Steph's I couldn't hardly believe it! What a coincidence! So, yesterday was the day and I had bought Gene a coffee grinder and some new Gucci cologne! I know, coffee grinder seems kind of weird but he/we have become quite the coffee drinkers and the other day we were talking about a grinder and how good fresh coffee would be so....I went to Target and bought him one! He also doesn't like to be without cologne and he'd been out for a couple of months so the boys and I went to Dillard's and I picked out Gucci by Gucci! Oh yum, it smells sooooo good! He likes to keep it in his patrol car so he doesn't smell like dog! I had them all wrapped and sitting on our dresser when he woke up yesterday.

Grace kept telling him over and over "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!" It was too cute!

I didn't get to see Steph yesterday because she had to work then I had to work and I can't tell you yet what I'm getting her because obviously that would give it away cause she reads my blog! I talked to her last night though and I'm pretty sure Grace and I are going to try and make it to Springdale Friday to take her to lunch and give her her present! Steph and I have been best friends since 8th grade and that lady seriously knows more about me than I probably do!!!! We've been through it ALL together and I could not have been blessed with a better best friend. She's the best person I've ever met!!!!

I love you guys!!!!!