Well, it's been kind of a long week. Sunday I took a vacation day and actually had to the house to myself for a while. I have had a horrible cold or sinus infection or something the past WEEK. This past weekend was the worst I'd felt. Saturday I felt like poo and ended up taking Grace to Mom and Dad's that night because I couldn't breathe and just wanted to go to bed. I dropped her off, and was back home around 6 or so. I stayed up messing around on the computer for a little bit while Gene and the boys played one our new games on the Wii, but then I laid down at 8. I finished the book I'd been reading, and was asleep by 9. That is so out of character for me, I'm usually never in bed before 11. I did't get up until after 10 Sunday morning. I felt rested though and I felt like my cold was subsiding.
Anyways, Deanne (the boys mom) came and picked them up and Gene was at work so I had the whole house to myself. It was so nice!! I watched Sex and the City: The Movie yet again! I got it for Christmas and I've watched it probably 4 times already. I never thought I would like the show, but not long after I started at the pd, my supervisor at the time and a good friend let me borrow every season to watch becaused she owns them all. Steph and I lived together in our apartment at the time and we would stay up until about 4 am every night watching them!! We were hooked, and of course soooooo excited when they announced the movie was coming out. So, I've watched it a lot. After the movie I finished cleaning my house because Steve and Jennie came over for dinner that night.
Steve and Jennie are the ones we took our Route 66 motorcycle trip with, and we had a ton of pictures from the trip so I decided to make them a scrapbook for Christmas. I got it done, and made dinner for them and gave it to them Sunday night. They loved it! I was sooo excited about giving it to them, and I wish I would have taken some pictures of it. I made twice baked potato soup and cornbread and we all got stuffed!! We had talked about watching Dark Knight but we were all too tired so we called it a night.
I don't think I ever talked about it on here, but Craig Chastain is one of our officers at the pd and has worked there for 11 years. In September, Craig was diagnosed with stage 4 Sarcoma and the doctors told him he probably only had 2 to 4 months to live. We were all heart broken as you can imagine. Craig is such a nice guy and everyone loves him. He made several trips to the Cancer Treatment Center of America in Chicago until he was just too sick to even undergo chemo so he decided to just come home and stay home. I never did go out to see him because 1)I didn't want to remember him looking so sick and 2) he had more bad days than good days and it was hard for him to have too many visitors. At about 10 am on Christmas Day he passed away. Our whole department hurt, and still hurts. I think that a lot of us are still in such shock because it all happened so fast. I mean, 5 months ago he was running in marathons and now he's no longer with us. It breaks my heart. His wife, Karis, works for the State Police Crimes Against Children Division and they had only been married a year and a half. Craig was only 42 years old and it was his first marriage. He had finally found the love of his life and then his life was taken. It makes you wonder why things happen the way they do. I do know that God has a reason for everything, even though we usually don't understand them.
So, Craig's funeral was Monday afternoon. Three other dispatchers that didn't really know Craig that well volunteered to work for the rest of us so we could attend the funeral. Thank you so much Julia, Stacy, and Tiffany!! It was a very nice service and I was so proud of our department for standing together and showing our support to Craig and his family. The funeral was at the Harber High School Performing Arts Center and we filled up one whole section of the auditorium. Very moving. After the service all the patrol cars, including ones from area agencies that came, lined up and blocked traffic on Sunset and had it blocked all the way from Jones Rd to 48th where the procession ended. I had to iron Gene's Class A uniform and take it to him at work before the funeral so I rode with him in his patrol car to the service, therefore, I got to be part of the procession. It was so neat to be a part of. They also directed the net (which means there can not be any radio traffic other than for the event that it is directed for) and Teresa did a special announcement for Craig. There was also some very neat radio traffic during the procession and I held it together really well through the service, but when Sgt. Kirmer got on the radio and did a tribute to him I lost it. It was very emotional, and like I said, I'm just so glad I rode with Gene so I was able to hear it all.
Craig, you will be truly missed.
Ok, moving on now before I start to cry again.
Yesterday morning the boys came home from their mom's and for whatever reason I had the energy and desire to take all the Christmas stuff down. I knew the boys would be with their mom this weekend and Gene doesn't do good with stuff like that so I knew I better get it done while I had some help! Corey took Grace next door to my in-laws because toddler hands were not much help! We got it all down though and put away so my house is back to normal again. Gene was excited he had the whole living room back last night when he got in from training!
Today, Mom, Grace, and I are meeting up at Chik-fil-A to see Leah and Kendall!! The Smith family is in from Louisville for the holiday and we're meeting them for lunch today. I'm so excited because we don't get to see them very often!!!
I do have to work today....crime never takes a holiday! I think some people may be coming over to our house to hang out, but at least I'll be here with my family for the big midnight countdown!! So crazy that tomorrow is 2009. I wish I knew where 2008 went!
Tomorrow Granny and Aunt Cathy are driving up, I believe to eat lunch at Mimi's Cafe....yum!! So I'm sure Mom, Grace, and I will meet up with them before I have to go to work. I'm excited to see them too!!!
Then Friday...my weekend! Yay! Mom, Grace, and I are going down to Granny's to stay the night with them!
That's about it, and I've gotta go take a shower and get my child ready to go. Have a good rest of the week!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
So long 2008...
Posted by Taylor at 9:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Day!!
We have about 300 (no kidding) pictures from Christmas! I don't feel good today and don't feel like typing much so I'll just do a post of pictures. In short, Christmas morning we woke up did presents at home with the kids, went next door to my in-laws and had breakfast and did presents with them, then drove to Alma to Granny's to have lunch and do presents with the cousins, then we drove home so I could go to work from 6-10, then I came home and crashed!! Last night Mom, Dad, Tanner, and Steph came out to the house and we did snacks and presents with them! We're exhausted, and now I'm sick again so I'll just do a post of pictures!
Posted by Taylor at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A Christmas Eve for the books...
First of all....I can not believe it is already Christmas Eve! I mean, in an hour and a half it will be Christmas!
My Christmas Eve did not get off to a very good start though. Yesterday I got up around 8 with Grace and then Mom picked her up a little after 9 to head to Alma to see Granny and the Gerens. Right after they left the boys and I got ready and headed out to finish up my shopping. Colt and I had appointments at 10:30 to get a haircut (Colt) and eyebrows waxed (me) and then I had to go to Rogers and the mall and to Target. I also had a tire that was losing air so I had to get that fixed. I knew I wouldn't have time to get everything done and get the boys back home in time for me to go to work. Teresa let me use a few hours of comp time so I didn't have to go in until 5.
I got all my errands done and dropped the boys off just in time to get one present wrapped and then I headed in to work. It wasn't really that busy, but about an hour after I got there the midnight shift supervisor called to let us know that two people from her shift had called in and that someone was going to have to stay until 2 am to help cover it. Guess who was on call yesterday.......me!! Oh, I was so excited about it! Not!!! Actually, I needed the overtime and I was able to go in late so it wasn't that bad.
Anways, Tanner sent me a text just before midnight asking if I needed anything and I was kind of hungry so he brought me some McDonald's. He ended up staying up there till 2 with me hanging out. It picked up quite a bit and we actually had several calls which is surprising since it's winter. My relief from dayshift got there, and Tanner and I left.
Here's where it gets good! I was driving down Crossover in Fayetteville when my steering wheel got tight and then the battery light in my car came on. I was able to get off the road and into a driveway out of the way. Fabulous. I called Tanner and luckily he hadn't made it home yet so he drove over there to try and help me. We pop the hood and check things out. Let me just say right here that it was raining. Even better. Tanner tries to start it again and tells me the battery is dead. So.....luckily he had some tools in his truck and was able to get the battery out, after a fight with it! Let me also add that we didn't have a flashlight so we were using the light from Tanner's phone. Oh yeah, it gets better. So, after finally getting the battery out we head to Wal-Mart to replace it. We ended up running into the other K9 officer when we got there because he works midnight shift and was getting his last present. I thought he might be some help in confirming we had the right battery. Wrong. He didn't have a clue! Tanner felt pretty confident that we had the right one though, so after spending and unexpected $83 on a new battery and a FLASHLIGHT we headed back to the car.
By this time it's 3 am, and it's started raining harder. Yes! Tanner had an easier time getting it in than he did getting it out since we 1)had more light and 2) knew a little more about how to manuever it. However, the flashlight shed a "whole new light" on the situation, when we realized that the battery wasn't really the whole problem. The main problem was the rat's nest we found. Now, when I say rat's nest, I'm referring to the alternator belt that is COMPLETELY shredded and COMPLETELY off of where it's supposed to be. Yea, this was super news. I felt so bad for Tanner because he thought he was doing so great in helping me when we really hadn't fixed anything. He started beating himself up about not checking everything before we went straight to the battery. I'm not sure we would have realized it though because of the little light we had.
One bit of good news is that when we tried starting it after replacing the battery it started right up like a charm...which it had not done after it died on me. So, that tells me that my battery was due to be changed anyways because it was just shy of being 4 years old. Tanner was able to move my car a little more off the roadway and then he drove me home. It was now 3:45 and I was soaking wet. After I made it home a little after 4 I woke Gene up and told him what was going on because I knew he would be up in a little over an hour to get ready for work and would freak out when he saw my car wasn't there. He wasn't upset about my car, only that I didn't call him. I didn't call him, because he was sleeping and had to work today and Tanner was still out and I knew he could help me. So, I took a hot shower and laid down. I was so deliriously tired that I couldn't fall asleep until almost 5. I woke up as Gene was leaving around 6 with a bad coughing fit (I've also had a sore throat/cold this week). I dozed somewhat off and on until 8:30 when I heard Grace wake up. Corey went and got her for me, but then their mom came and picked them up so they took Grace next door to my in-laws so I could try to get some rest. I didn't really get any anyways. I finally got up around 11, and finished wrapping my presents before I got ready for work.
Gene bought a new belt and he and his dad went and fixed my car after he got off work today. It's running just fine now! Tonight wasn't too bad at work, and I got to leave about 30 minutes early. When I got home Gene had just put Grace to bed so I changed clothes. The only reason I'm still up is because I'm waiting on the washer to finish so I can switch out loads and get the laundry done before tomorrow. I plan to be asleep within the next 30 minutes!
My Christmas is certainly looking up, and I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas!!!!!!
Posted by Taylor at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A Ninja's Birthday, A Christmas Party, An Anniversary, and A Sick Family
Posted by Taylor at 11:12 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
It's been a good week
I have had a really great week this week! It started off good because Sunday (which is actually my Monday at work) I was scheduled for a vacation day at work because I was signed up to sell tickets for the playhouse (which I still need to post pictures of) at the Springdale Wal-Mart. Well, when I woke up that morning it was snowing and about 29 degrees outside (windchill 19 degrees!!) so needless to say I was NOT looking forward to sitting OUTSIDE for 2 1/2 hours. I started working to re-arrange Grace's room and lost track of time. I checked my phone and had a missed call from Teresa that said they'd cancelled selling tickets due to inclement weather! Yay! Super good news for me because I was off all day and was able to finish my housework. Ok, now that I've just told you all this I'm thinking I already said all of this in the last post but oh well! Now you've heard it twice! Ha!
Anways, then Monday was a pretty good day at work. Pretty uneventful really, which is sometimes good! Tuesday was good as well. Wednesday we had another Christmas committee meeting and it went surprisingly smooth! It lasted about 2 hours, and they usually only last 1 but we got a lot of stuff accomplished and everyone got along great! Anways, so it was good. I ended up staying an hour late because Teresa is in the process of teaching me and Crystal how to use the Racal, which is our recorder. All of our radio channels and phone lines are recorded and there are several occasions when traffic has to be taped off either for court cases or for supervisors to review stuff. Well, Wednesday night we had to tape off a pursuit which was pretty easy compared to what we had to tape off Thursday night! The Benton County Prosecutor's office was requesting some phone calls and radio traffic be taped off for a hearing so Teresa and I worked on it. It took us 3 hours to find everything we needed and to get it sent! I didn't leave work until midnight and I was exhausted by the time I got home. I was ready to close my eyes! We got it done though and now I don't think I'll have any problems taping stuff off from now on!
Now, two weeks ago, there is no way I would have stayed at work so late because of Grace's sleeping habits and the fact that she would have 1) still been awake when I got home or 2) been asleep on Gene and I would have had to try and lay her down or end up putting her in bed with me. However, since last Saturday night when she first started sleeping in her "big girl bed" she has slept wonderfully!!!! Her bed time is 10 pm and I told Gene that she has to be settled down and laying down by 10 every night unless there were extenuating circumstances. Obviously Monday nights that doesn't work because she's at Mom and Dad's and we usually aren't home till close to 11 and then I give her a bath, then put her to bed, but every other night it's 10 oclock. Gene has torn a muscle or something in his back so he's been in a lot of pain and pretty miserable this week so Tuesday night when I got home I could see that Grace's closet light was on when I pulled in the driveway so I knew he was working on putting her to bed. I was very quiet when I came in and went straight to the bedroom to start getting ready for bed. I got my face washed and pj's on and snuck upstairs to check on them because it was quiet but Gene was still up there. Well....when I peeked my head in he was asleep laying in her bed but she was laying there awake! Oh my word. I must say this didn't really surprise me, but it was kinda funny. So I kicked his hiney out of her bed and turned the light off and she laid down. It actually took her a while to go to sleep for whatever reason and I had a POUNDING headached when I got home so I was ready for her to pass out. Finally she did and I went to bed.
On Wednesday night Gene was still awake when I got home a little after 11, but he had successfully put Grace to bed! I was so excited because I didn't have to stress about getting her down! I changed into my pj's and laid down to read. Last night was the same thing, he was actually still somewhat awake when I got home around 12:20 and Grace had gone to bed fine he said. So, we went to bed. Tonight, just before 10 she started getting really sleepy and looking for her paci. She's so funny too because she now says "big gerl bed!!" It's the cutest thing, so I asked her if she was ready to go night night and she just said "big gerl bed!" So we brushed her teeth and she gave Daddy night night hugs and kisses and up the stairs she went. She crawled right up in her bed and laid down with Frosty (her new night time companion) and Nemo. I went and got a book out of her closet and I read A Merry Little Christmas to her. She just laid there playing with her hair and after the book I turned her closet light off, bent down to give her night night kisses and she played with my hair for about 5 seconds then grabbed her own and fell asleep. Can you believe that?! I mean really. Last week she was sleeping with me because we could NOT get her to lay down in her crib and she wouldn't go to sleep without being rocked and now she'll just lay down like a big girl and go to sleep. It has honestly relieved so much stress from my life! I don't stress out now when it gets close to bed time and worrying about being able to lay her down without waking her up.
I was texting Mom earlier and telling her about our night night success and I told her that just in a week's time since she started sleeping in the "big gerl bed" she has even acted older and not so babyish. It's weird how smart they are, and they just know things. It really is like she knows she's not really a baby anymore. It's exciting and fun to watch, but it also makes me so sad because she's growing up so fast. I don't want to sound cocky by any means, but I'm so proud of my husband and myself and how good of parents we are. Of course I already knew Gene was because I had watched him father the boys for the 2 years we were together before Grace, but it's amazing to watch how you change as a couple after you have kids together. I love it, it's a whole new side of our marriage and I love that he's my baby's daddy!!
Today was a lot of fun too because all the girls from the committee met at Sam's this morning to do some shopping for the Christmas party. We hit Sam's, Party City, and Deals, then we ate lunch at TGI Friday's. It was sooo good, and we had so much fun together! We laughed and laughed at each other and it was neat to have some "girl time" and become better accquainted with girls that I work with all the time but never really knew until working on this committee with them. Gene had his third chiropractic appointment of the week today so his dad kept Grace for the morning while he was gone to that. They beat me home by a little bit, and then the boys got home from school about an hour after I did. I got some cleaning done and laundry is about caught up!!
I was really struggling with what to do for dinner though. I just wasn't really in the mood to cook and nothing really sounded good. I finally decided on cracker crumb pork steaks so I set them out of the freezer to thaw. I was going to have to run in to the grocery store to get some other things to make, and we ended up all going together! It was some good family time, and Gene had a major attack of the sweet tooth. We got not only stuff for dinner, but also stuff for brownie fudge sundaes! We got home and I got started on dinner. It was sooo yummy and I enjoyed cooking it!! Once I got started I got in the mood for it! Grace ate her WHOLE plate of food and wanted seconds! She was so messy and had mashed potatoes ALL over her. I had to strip all of her clothes off of her and then pull the cover of her high chair off to clean everything up. She made a big mess. I then made the brownies for the sundaes and cleaned our bedroom. Gene made us sundaes and I cleaned up the kitchen. Grace got a bath, and the boys went next door to stay with their Mimi and Papa because they're taking them to Silver Dollar City tomorrow, so Grace played for just a little bit after her bath then it was time for bed.
I'm worn out and my husband is snoring on the couch! I'm about to call it a night!! I hope everyone had a great week!!!
Posted by Taylor at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Not a baby anymore...
My little girl isn't a baby anymore. :( Yesterday was a little bit sad for me, because we broke Grace's crib down and stored it under the stairs. I must say though that the last 2 nights Grace has slept in her big girl bed by herself!!! I think I mentioned in a previous post that Mom and Dad gave us a mattress to go on the twin bed we had in her room. Well, Friday while we were out shopping I bought the bedding I had picked out at Target. I bought all the bedding (minus the bedskirt which we will have to go back for) and Mom bought her the curtains! When we got home I got everything washed up while we were doing Christmas decorations, and put it all on the bed afterwards. I was so pleased with the way it turned out!!This is a view from the hallway. I don't have any before pictures of her room, but obviously before the bedding and mattress weren't on the bed and it was just the frame and box springs. Also, instead of those curtains there were some white sheer ones and a valance that matched her crib bedding. The big bed usually stayed piled up with stuff and it drove me crazy because it was always cluttered!! I've also got several things to hang on the walls, but I want to eventually get her a new chest of drawers and move the bed so it's not up against the wall, so I don't want to hang anything just yet and make unnecessary holes in the walls. The white thing hanging off the side is the bed rail we bought to keep her from falling out of it at night. It snaps up when she goes to bed, then you can fold it down during the day. Very handy.
Posted by Taylor at 10:59 AM 1 comments