This post is actually a day late but I didn't have time yesterday to get on! Two very special people in my life share a husband and my best friend! Oh yes, double whammy for me! Haha, only kidding!
When Gene and I first got together and we were sharing about ourselves and I found out that his birthday was March 31st, the very same day as Steph's I couldn't hardly believe it! What a coincidence! So, yesterday was the day and I had bought Gene a coffee grinder and some new Gucci cologne! I know, coffee grinder seems kind of weird but he/we have become quite the coffee drinkers and the other day we were talking about a grinder and how good fresh coffee would be so....I went to Target and bought him one! He also doesn't like to be without cologne and he'd been out for a couple of months so the boys and I went to Dillard's and I picked out Gucci by Gucci! Oh yum, it smells sooooo good! He likes to keep it in his patrol car so he doesn't smell like dog! I had them all wrapped and sitting on our dresser when he woke up yesterday.
I love you guys!!!!!
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