Saturday, July 26, 2008

Meet My Family

*****Updated - Ok, I've added pictures of my boys and one of Grace! These are a few pictures of my wonderful family! I have pictures of others but the computer is slowing down with all the downloads so I'll post more later.
My youngest stepson, Corey
My sweet girl, Grace
My oldest stepson, Colt
Grace and my dad, aka Papa
Grace and my brother, aka Uncle T
Granny and Grace

Grace and my mom, aka Nana

Momma and Grace

My handsome husband, Gene


Leah said...

Hey...I almost have your canvas finished. I really hope you like it. I did the letters in white, and I've got to do something to them to make them stand out a bit more. I'm thinking a touch of silver will do the trick.

I can't remember if I commented when you sent me your link, but I'm glad you have a blog!! :)

Hug your mom for me the next time you see her!

Love you