Monday, September 8, 2008


I didn't get any pictures taken with my camera, but Gene took a few of us with Steph's when we got home from the wedding. She e-mailed them to me yesterday so I could post them! Please excuse my red eyes, I seem to always have them in any picture taken of me!
Steph, Me, & Grace
Beautiful Baby Girl!!
The picture of Grace was taken after we had taken her bow out so it looks funny on top! Anyways, just wanted to share the pictures with you guys. I also didn't get a good picture of Steph's dress and my skirt, but I'm wearing that skirt to my cousin, Hillary's wedding also so I'll take more pictures then!!
Today I'm going to leave for work early and run by Target to try and find some shoes to wear with my new jeans and top, and then I've got to drop Grace off with Tanner and Dad so I can go to work. Gene works drug interdiction tonight so Mom and Dad get Grace!
Have a great week!!