Friday, April 24, 2009

Soakin' up the sun!

Let me just say first that today has been a good day! Thank goodness for that! However, I'm really tired and tomorrow will be a busy day so I've posted several pictures from today and I'll just put some short captions under them!
This is my first bloom on my Rhododendrons!! Isn't it pretty?!

The plants themselves are still fairly small but they are also growing and we've been really good about watering them both morning and evening.

Oh yes, the quality of photography! I really was outside working in the yard today! I was trying to reach up on the porch to get Grace's water when Colt took this picture. I like it. It's my better side. Ha!

Grace and Layla enjoyed some wagon time!

Corey is just a little whacky!

Goofy girl with red cheeks! She's been outside the majority of the afternoons this week! When she was with my father-in-law I think he kinda forgot to put on the sunscreen and yesterday she had on a little tank top and her shoulders burnt. The rest of her arms have already tanned and don't burn so bad. Today I put sunscreen on her! That girl LOVES to be outside more than anything.

This is a really cool picture Gene took of the piano earlier while Colt was playing. Doesn't that look neat?!

And here's Colt playing. That kid's got talent and I just love the sound of the piano!!
Ok, that's it. My day in a nutshell. Now I'm off to bed!!