It was a good 3rd Mother's Day for me! Besides the fact that I had to work. It started early because Grace woke up at 5:30, but luckily fell right back to sleep once I put her in bed with me. I heard Gene come in a little after 7 and was trying to wake her up. He kept saying "Grace wake up, I need you to come help me." He just kept saying it and she by golly wasn't budging! She was nestled up right against my back and it took him 3 tries before he finally picked her up and she woke up. About 20-30 minutes later they came back into the bedroom and Grace kept telling me to wake up. She handed me a card and when I opened it up Gene had put her foot and handprints in the card!! That was why he needed her help! How cute is that?! I thought it was really sweet!
I hope everybody had a wonderful Mother's Day!!!
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