Grace amazes me everyday with how smart and intuitive she is. It's amazing the little things that she picks up on that you wouldn't think about. She always speaks in complete sentences and understands when you talk to her like an adult and not like a baby. Although, sometimes it's not always a good thing. I was cleaning house all day today and I had just swept and mopped the hardwood floors downstairs and washed the kitchen rug when I walked into the kitchen from my bedroom to find a white powder on the freshly washed rug. Oh boy. Grace had managed to reach the carpet deodorizer that I used on the area rug off the counter and proceeded to pour it onto the rug. I called her in there and got onto her for it telling her that I had just cleaned these floors and she was not supposed to be messing with the cleaners. Uh huh. She gave me a sad look, turned around, and proceeded to say EXACTLY the same thing I had just said to Layla....our dog. Oh Lordy. I laughed. But I walked away from her before I did it.
I would also just like to say now that Grace is pretty much potty trained and has been for a couple of months but I hadn't mentioned it because I didn't want to be jinxed! She wears a diaper only at nighttime and wears panties all day long! It happened so quick and the minute we put her in panties it was like she just got it and knew what she was supposed to do. She really didn't have that many accidents either. So...she's a big girl now!!
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