I don't know about you guys, but we had a great weekend!! My husband had to work last Friday and Saturday evening (that was a not so great part), so Friday I did our grocery shopping (by myself!!) and Saturday I didn't leave the house at all. It was bliss. Our dear friends,
Hank and Katie, and my mama came out Saturday evening and we made tacos and played Super Mario Brothers on the Wii!! It was so much fun and we will definitely be having more game nights in the future! Due to the changes Blogger has made (why don't they give you a tutorial on the changes?!), my pictures ended up out of order. But we're just going to go with it, and the fact that they are not great quality because they are from my phone! Do people really use actual cameras anymore?!

Sunday we went to church, came home and ate a quick lunch and then Corey, Grace and I headed into Target to pick out some new bedding for Grace's room! She's been in a twin bed, but it was in bad shape and we've had some furniture changes in our house that opened up a full size bed for her to upgrade to! She was very excited about getting a bigger bed.
I let her pick out her bedding in hopes that it would make her want to stay in her own bed all night long. See, for the last year or so she has gone to bed beautifully in her own room, however, every night between midnight and 4 am she sneaks downstairs and into my bed! I have done everything I can think of to get her to stay upstairs, but nothing has worked! I'm open to suggestions. :)
As much as I would love to have my bed back, and to actually get to sleep with my husband all night (he normally sleeps on the couch because our bed is NOT big enough for all 3 of us!), I have become so used to snuggling with her and it seems very odd when she's not there. And by not there, I mean when she stays the night with her Nana and Papa!
Anyways, we pick out this cute bedding that she loves, bring it home and pull it all out and I discover that there are no pillowcases. It was a complete bedding set that came with the comforter, bedskirt, sheet set and two pillow shams. Well, the standard pillowcases were MIA! I got it for a great price though and it was the last one they had in the right size, so I told Gene I was just going to go buy some pillowcases in a different color. I'm kinda glad it worked out like that because I think it looks really good!
I ended up completely gutting her room and starting from scratch! Her big brother, Colt, is moving to Joplin so he won't be using his dresser/night stand, so we moved it into her room. I cleaned out her closet and dresser and bagged up a bunch of clothes and toys, and then got everything put together! I love how it turned out, and I've just got to get a new curtain for in there and get her "Princess" sign hung abover her bed. She loves it, but not enough to sleep in there all night. Sigh. Oh well, maybe by the time she starts high school she will!
Of course Miss Audrey came with her mama and daddy Saturday night to play (told ya my pictures were out of order!). I promise she really does love Grace, she was just getting hungry!
Grace. In my bed. You thought I was kidding, didn't you? I don't kid about such things!
Erin Condren, how I love thee! This, my friends, is the 2011-2012 Life Planner that will change your life! If you follow me on Twitter, then you already know about this little beauty, and the fact that there was an absolute frenzy over these for a couple of weeks! Erin at
The Blue-Eyed Bride blogged and tweeted about a promo deal where you could get this $50 planner for $25! Let's just say, LOTS of women jumped on that, including myself, and I'm so glad I did! I am in love and I don't care who knows it!
After a great weekend, it's back to the nitty gritty at work, and I'm already counting down the days to this weekend! I'll blog about what we have going on later!
Have a great week!